How to access a shared email account in Outlook.
How to add a network printer in Windows.
How to adjust the arrangement of displays and have them show different windows.
How to adjust the arrangement of displays and have them show different windows.
Let other people see your work calendar so they know when you are free for meetings or out of the office.
Antivirus information.
How to change your password.
How to connect to the Windows server Athens from a Mac computer.
How to connect to the Windows server Kiev from a Windows computer.
How to connect to the Remote Desktop Austin from a Mac.
How to connect to the Remote Desktop Austin from Windows.
How to connect to the Windows server CUBSS from a Mac computer.
How to connect to the Windows server CUBSS from a Windows computer.
How to connect to Dublin (or the shared drive) on a Mac.
How to connect to Dublin (or the shared drive) in Windows.
How to connect to the Linux server Hoth.
How to create and share a folder with others via OneDrive on-the-web, OneDrive for Windows, and OneDrive for Mac.
Information about the upcoming December 2023 changes to the Penn State Adobe Creative Cloud licensing.
Students, faculty, or staff that leave Penn State will lose access to all work and files Office 365 apps other than Outlook Web Access 14 days after their departure.
How to map a server network drive to your Windows computer.
A general overview of the IT services provided for PRI.
Instructions for connecting to Penn State's Wireless network.
If you see a prompt asking "How do you want to open this?" when you try to make a call in PhonerLite, or if another app such as Microsoft Teams opens when you try to make a call, try these steps to resolve it.
PRI computer lab policies that all users must follow.
How to remove a saved contact from Outlook in Office 365.